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Below you can see a webcam of an R12 (if it is dark then turn on the lights remotely). You can communicate directly with the robot using Telnet in Windows or Android and see for yourself how easy it is to get started. Connection is by appointment. Contact ST Robotics for connection instructions and password.
We are the first robot company ever to do this.
All commands are in UPPER CASE. Press enter after each command (or line of commands). Words and numbers on the same line are separated by spaces.
Things you can try:
LIGHTS ON - turns on the studio lights (only if it is dark there).
ROBOFORTH - clear memory for a fresh start.
START - initialize the robot and all variables such as speed. Sets the starting joint positions to all zeros.
CALIBRATE - calibrates the whole arm to internal sensors and returns to home position.
Note: only use START and CALIBRATE when the robot is at or close to home (bolt upright) position.
If you use START at any other position you are telling the robot it is at HOME when it is not and the next command could crash the robot.
READY - sends the robot to a useful position from which to start using the robot.
WHERE - shows the current position in Cartesian coordinates.
The yellow object on the bench is at about X=0, Y=250mm, Z= minus 205mm. To pick up the object try
0 0 -1900 MOVE - moves the robot gripper down 190mm on Z axis.
Note that all numbers are multiples of 0.1mm
0 0 -150 MOVE - moves down another 15mm and the gripper is now around the yellow object.
Warning: remember negative Z is down not up.
WHERE - confirm position.
GRIP - grip the object.
0 0 500 MOVE - lift the object 50mm.
To put the object down again
0 0 -500 MOVE

Now to teach the robot a simple pick and place routine:
READY - sends the robot to a useful position from which to start using the robot.
0 0 -1900 MOVE - moves the robot gripper down 170mm on Z axis.
0 0 -150 MOVE - gripper is now around the object.
PLACE P1 - create a place called P1 - or any other name you care to give it.
Normally the RobWin GUI creates and maintains learned positions for you.
GRIP - grip the object.
0 0 500 MOVE - lift the object 50mm.
APPROACH P1 - set an approach position for P1
2000 0 0 MOVE - move 200mm in X axis
ALIGN - align the gripper to the X axis
0 0 -500 MOVE - move down to bench level
PLACE P2 - create a place called P2 - or any other name you care to give it.
0 0 500 MOVE - lift clear of the object 50mm.
APPROACH P2 - set an approach position for P2
Now try a sequence:
The object is now back at P1
You can turn this sequence into a program by defining a new word. New words are defined starting with a colon then a space then the word then a list of what the word does, ending with a semi-colon. Each item is separated by a space.
Let's create two new words MOVEL and MOVER


Now all you need to do is type one word then the other to move the object between the two programmed positions. Be sure not to use the same command twice or you will jam a closed gripper onto the object.
At this point you are free to try other things. Take care not to crash the robot. You won't damage it but will lose control.
Before you leave, please enter:
then BYE
Crashing: if you crash the robot you will normally see "encoder-stepper mismatch". Enter ENCASSUME, get to HOME and use
CALIBRATE - calibrates the robot and returns it to accurate home position.
Warning: CALIBRATE has a limited range to calibrate from. Only use it when the robot is at or close to home position.
Otherwise a manual recovery is required by someone on site.